Sacramental Programme

Sacramental Preparation

First Holy Communions are usually celebrated at parish Masses early in the Summer Term and Confirmation is normally celebrated later in the Summer Term. Preparations for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion are undertaken in Year 3 and for Confirmation in Year 6, forming part of the School’s RE programme. Days of reflection, visits to Harvington Hall, Oscott College and St. Chad’s Cathedral, are arranged as part of these sacramental preparations. The School works closely with the Diocese in the preparation of pupils undertaking the holy sacraments.


Father Benedict Thompson, OSB our School and Parish Priest has a strong connection with everyone at St. Mary’s School. Parent’s evenings for sacramental preparation are both welcoming and well supported. Every faith tradition is respected at St. Mary’s. 


Religious Events Celebrated in our School


  • Remembrance

  • Advent & Christmas

  • Lent & Easter

  • Festivals & Saints Feast Days

  • Holy Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • Holy Sacrament of First Holy Communion

  • May Crowning of Our Lady

  • Holy Sacrament of Confirmation


School Masses


Father Benedict comes to our school regularly to say School Mass. All pupils and staff attend. Parents and Parishioners are most welcome to attend. Key Stage 2 pupils serve at the altar and perform bidding prayers and readings throughout the mass. Please check the School Diary for dates and times.